代写 BSBPMG522 Undertake project work assignment

发布时间:2019-10-30 20:24
代写  BSBPMG522 Undertake project work assignment

Assessment Requirements for BSBPMG522 Undertake project work Release: 1​ Assessment Requirements for BSBPMG522 Undertake project work ​ Date this document was generated: 12 July 2016 Assessment Requirements for BSBPMG522 Undertake project work Modification History Release Comments Release 1 This version first released with BSB Business Services Training Package Version 1.0. Performance Evidence Evidence of the ability to: •  define the parameters of the project including: •  project scope •  project stakeholders, including own responsibilities •  relationship of project to organisational objectives and other projects •  reporting requirements •  resource requirements •  use project management tools to develop and implement a project plan including: https:??training.gov.au?TrainingComponentFiles?BSB?BSBPMG522_AssessmentRequirements_R1.docm 16?7?21 ??11:37 ? 1 ??? 3 ?? •  deliverables •  work breakdown •  budget and allocation of resources •  timelines •  risk management •  recordkeeping and reporting •  consult and communicate with relevant stakeholders to generate input and engagement in planning, implementing and reviewing the project •  provide support to team members to enable them to achieve deliverables and to transition them as appropriate at completion of the project •  finalise the project including documentation, sign-offs and reporting •  review and document the project outcomes. Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once. Knowledge Evidence To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must: •  give examples of project management tools and how they contribute to a project •  outline types of documents and other sources of information commonly used in defining the parameters of a project •  explain processes for identifying and managing risk in a project •  outline the organisation's mission, goals, objectives and operations and how the project relates to them •  explain the organisation's procedures and processes that are relevant to managing a project including: •  lines of authority and approvals •  quality assurance •  human resources •  budgets and finance •  recordkeeping •  reporting •  outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organisation in relation to project work, including work health and safety (WHS) requirements. Assessment Conditions Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the management and leadership – project management field of work and include access to: •  relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes •  relevant workplace documentation and resources •  case studies and, where possible, real situations •  interaction with others. Assessors must satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements. Links
代写  BSBPMG522 Undertake project work assignment https:??training.gov.au?TrainingComponentFiles?BSB?BSBPMG522_AssessmentRequirements_R1.docm 16?7?21 ??11:37 ? 2 ??? 3 ?? Companion volumes available from the IBSA website: http://www.ibsa.org.au/companion_volumes - http://companion_volumes.vetnet.education.gov.au/Pages/TrainingPackage.aspx?pid=13 Approved ​ Page 2 of 3 © Commonwealth of Australia, 2016 ​ Innovation and Business Skills Australia https:??training.gov.au?TrainingComponentFiles?BSB?BSBPMG522_AssessmentRequirements_R1.docm 16?7?21 ??11:37 ? 3 ??? 3 ??
代写  BSBPMG522 Undertake project work assignment  


