Canberra the “Cool Little Capital”.代写

发布时间:2019-10-30 20:24
 Canberra the “Cool Little Capital”.代写

Assessment 1: Writing Exercise: Canberra the “Cool Little Capital”. Word length: 1 x 600 word blog + 3 x 140 character tweets Value: 25% Writing remains one of the most important of the communication skills, yet employers worldwide claim that writing is a dying art, with few people being able to write well. Improving your writing skills will improve your agility and capability as a communicator, and also your employability. This assignment is designed to develop your skills in social media writing because so much communication happens in this space. However, while the style and format of these to social media forms is different, the basic principles of good writing for all media are essentially the same. This assignment is introductory in nature and focusses on a few key practical elements of the writing process. It aims to develop your ability to: i. identify key messages in other texts that are relevant to your audience; ii. write about these messages for your audience; iii. write these messages for two different media. Live in Canberra: the “Cool Little Capital” 1 x blog @ 600 words

 Canberra the “Cool Little Capital”.代写 3 x tweets @ 140 characters The ACT Government wants to encourage 18-25 year-olds to stay in Canberra rather than move to the bigger Australian cities or to overseas. Your Communication Manager at “Cool Little Capital” has been given documents from the ACT government about proposed changes that aim to establish Canberra as a “cool little capital”. Your manager thinks that the information in these documents contributes to a growing narrative of Canberra as a ‘cool’ city and wants you to use these documents to write two short pieces. The aim of your message then is to persuade this market that Canberra is going to be a cool place to live. You will need to read the documents, identify the key messages for your target audience and write the following using a ‘voice’ that is appropriate for your market: a) a blog of 600 words maximum, drawing on the key messages to persuade this market that Canberra is a cool place to live; b) A series of 3 tweets of 140 characters maximum: each tweet will cover one key point you have covered in the blog that you think will most persuade this market that Canberra is a cool place to live. You will be provided with a general guide to writing for blogs and for twitter.  Canberra the “Cool Little Capital”.代写


