发布时间:2019-10-19 16:46
MAKING APPLICATIONS ASSIGNMENT  65% of overall module mark  Deadline Information  Time:    5.00 pm  Date:    Thurs 16 December (Week 12)  Submission:  through Turnitin via Blackboard  Assignment Brief  The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate how effectively you can:    Identify the strengths and weaknesses of a CV and covering letter     Write an effective personal statement as part of an application for a particular  opportunity    Answer a competency based question as used in both application forms and  interviews    Understand and prepare for interview questions  Your Task  You are required to answer the questions on the Making Applications worksheet,  which can be downloaded from Blackboard. Failure to use this specific worksheet  will result in your work receiving 0 (zero) marks.  The questions are outlined below with suggested ways of preparing to answer  them:  Question 1. Evaluate a Cover Letter.  Briefly explain the strengths and weaknesses of the Covering Letter as part of  the CV and Covering Letter application package for the Investment Analyst  Internship with Commerzbank.  Structure your explanation under the following  categories:    Presentation and structure    Relevance of information    Quality of evidence    Written expression  The following activity may help you to answer this question:    Research the role of an Investment Analyst by studying the relevant  occupational profile on the Prospects website    Study the job specification for the Investment Analyst Internship at  Commerzbank listed in the module handbook    Study the CV and Covering Letter contained in the module handbook   Question 2. Evaluate a CV  Briefly explain the strengths and weaknesses of the CV as part of the CV and  Covering Letter application package for the Investment Analyst Internship with  Commerzbank.  Structure your explanation under the following categories:    Presentation and structure    Relevance of information    Quality of evidence    Written expression  The following activity may help you to answer this question:    Research the role of an Investment Analyst by studying the relevant  occupational profile on the Prospects website    Study the job specification for the Investment Analyst Internship at  Commerzbank listed in the module handbook    Study the CV and Covering Letter contained in the module handbook   

