A Study of Urban Comparisons: Port of Riga and Port of Rotte

发布时间:2019-10-19 16:46

1.1 Aim of Dissertation
Urban theory and construction has been “in vogue” as a concept over the last decade, with the enlargement of the European Union, with the entrance of eastern block countries, we have seen the construction of EU economic and social policy embrace the necessity of macro and micro policies that have assisted and developed the sea ports of the Union. This interesting area provides a comparative basis for understanding some of the constructs of urban policy, in particular European Urban Policy.

In this respect, this dissertation will consider a comparison of the Port of Riga, a new Latvian entrant to the EU and the seasoned “veteran” port of Rotterdam, these two ports have similar constructs and are competitive rivals for inter world trade. These ports have similar geographical constructs and are urbanised within the European Union (EU). However, what is of interest is that, the Port of Riga is a new addition to the EU following EU enlargement in recent years. The Port of Rotterdam, has been part of the EU for over two decades and as such has been able to embrace the concept of urbanisation through the incentives provided through EU development, and urbanisation strategy that embraces, the socio-economic constructs of a large state that is Europe; to include the necessary concept of community sustainability, this concept can be seen in both the macro and micro construct .

1.2 Research Hypothesis
The hypothesis under consideration is: “Riga's port territories regeneration plan based on a comparative analysis with the port of Rotterdam ” With this hypothesis in mind we shall consider three specific areas of enquiry, firstly we shall conceptualize this study within a brief consideration of European Urban Theory  exposed in literature; secondly, we will consider the rationale for a qualitative case study approach to methodological undertakings of this study; thirdly, we shall consider the research finding gained from a case study approach and finally, we shall then conceptualize the findings in relation to the literature and draw appropriate conclusions.

1.3 Structure of Dissertation
This dissertation will be divided into five chapters. First chapter is introduction.

Overall, having introduced the nature of the enquiry we can now proceed to consider briefly the current debate in literature.


The nature of urban policy has in recent year been debated and discussed within academic circles to the point where this empirical debate now firmly conceptualizes within the study of both macro and micro models . The construction of the debate is too vast for this study therefore, we shall conceptualize the nature of the literary debate within European policy, that current impacts upon the nature of the regeneration of urban ports and their geographical and economic communities.


第一章:引言 1.1论文的目标 城市理论和建设一直是“时尚”作为一个概念在过去十年中,随着欧盟扩大,东欧国家的入口,我们看到了欧盟的经济和社会政策的建设树立宏观调控的必要性和微观政策,协助和发展联盟海港。这个有趣的地区提供了一个比较的基础上,了解一些城市政策的结构,特别是欧洲城市政策。 在这方面,本文将考虑港口里加,拉脱维亚一个新的加入者欧盟和经验丰富的“老将”鹿特丹港的比较,这两个端口也有类似的结构和世界贸易间有竞争力的对手。这些端口也有类似的地理结构和城市化在欧洲联盟(欧盟)。然而,什么是利益,里加港是一个新的除了欧盟近年来欧盟东扩后。鹿特丹港,一直是欧盟的一部分,超过二十年,因此一直能够接受的概念通过欧盟的发展提供的激励机制,通过城市化和城镇化战略,拥抱,一个大国的社会经济结构是欧洲,包括必要的社区可持续发展的概念,这个概念可以看出,在宏观和微观结构。 1.2研究假设 正在考虑的假设是:“基于一个比较分析的港口鹿特丹”随着这个假说记住我们应考虑三个查询的特定区域上的里加的端口领土再生计划,首先我们应概念化这项研究在欧洲城市的一个简短的代价暴露在文学理论,其次,我们会考虑一个案件的定性研究方法的基本原理方法论本研究事业;第三,我们应考虑研究发现获得的一个案例研究的方法,最后,我们再概念化的调查结果文献并得出适当的结论。 1.3论文结构 本文将分为五章。第一章是绪论。 ......................... .......................... 总体而言,介绍查询,现在我们可以继续考虑一下目前的辩论文献的性质。   第二章:文献回顾 城市政策的性质已在最近的一年中一直争论不休,并讨论在学术界的实证辩论现在坚决概念化在宏观和微观两个模型的研究。辩论的建设是过于庞大,因此这项研究,我们应当概念化文学的辩论在欧洲政策的性质,城市港口的再生和其地域和经济共同体的性质后,目前影响。

