Design with handcrafted elements assignment 代写

发布时间:2019-10-30 20:31
Design with handcrafted elements assignment 代写

 Design with handcrafted elements or the appearance of handcrafting can suggest resourcefulness and thrift, a luxury of time or childhood creativity according to author and social theorist Mel Campbell. She also warns that “[F]etishising handmade things is a tiny protest against the tyrannical consumer cycle of newness and obsolescence. But ultimately it’s a just another kind of consumerism (2009, p.17).” Compare and contrast three examples of contemporary design with genuine handcrafted elements or that give an impression of handcraft. Explain which elements of each design is handcrafted or signifies handcraft and what messages these examples communicate to their target demographic taking into account Campbell’s arguments. [Ensure your examples are design rather than handcraft. If in doubt, ask your tutor.]

Design with handcrafted elements assignment 代写 根据作家和社会理论家梅尔·坎贝尔的说法,手工元素或手工外观的设计可以暗示足智多谋和节俭、时间的奢侈或童年的创造力。 她还警告说,“将手工制品商业化是对新产品和过时产品的残暴消费周期的微小抗议。” 但最终它只是另一种消费主义。 “比较和对比三个当代设计的例子与真正的手工制作的元素或给人一种手工的印象。 解释每个设计中的哪些元素是手工制作的,哪些是手工制作的,以及这些例子向他们的目标人群传达了什么信息。 确保你的例子是设计而不是手工。 如果有疑问,可以问你的导师。
Set reading & viewing (compulsory)
ABC-TV (Australia). (2015, September 3). Rise of the Makers [Television Broadcast, episode 1). In Bespoke. Australia: Australian Broadcasting Corporation. screen.php?videoID=1030482 ABC-TV (Australia). (2015, September 10). Makers and Markets [Television Broadcast, episode 2). In Bespoke. Australia: Australian Broadcasting Corporation. screen.php?videoID=1036095 DDD20004 Contemporary Design Issues Assignment Brief School of Design, FHAD Swinburne University of Technology Campbell, M. (2009, May 21). Canvas. The Age, p.17. The DIY Aesthetic, Consumerism & Resistance (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Hackney, F. (2013) Quiet Activism and the New Amateur: The Power of Home and Hobby Crafts, Design and Culture, 5, 2, 169-194. Metcalf, B. (2008). DIY, websites and energy: The new alternative crafts [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Black, A. & Burisch, N. (2010) Craft Hard, Die Free: Radical curatorial strategies for craftivism in unruly contexts In Glenn Adamson (Ed.) The Craft Reader. Oxford: Berg a103d26f2150/1/99337651111.pdf 999a-a103d26f2150/1/99337651111.pdf. Jackson, A. (2010) Constructing at Home: Understanding the Experience of the Amateur Maker. Design and Culture, 2,1, 5-26 Engestrom, U. (2005). Draft Craft Manifesto. Retrieved from  

Design with handcrafted elements assignment 代写


