SAS1 - Annotated Bibliography EVALUATION OF SOURCES 代写

发布时间:2019-10-30 20:24
SAS1 - Annotated Bibliography EVALUATION OF SOURCES 代写

T Myjavec  Summer 2017 SAS1 - Annotated Bibliography 10% Due Friday 17 th November EXPLANATION: An annotated bibliography provides a brief overview of sources you have found on your research question. For this task you will need to find two reliable, recent and academic sources that will be used in your final essay. One of these sources MUST be a journal article. PROCESS: 1. Use the UOW library databases to find at least one academic journal and one other academic source such as a book or a chapter in an edited book. You can use two journal articles. 2. Write a complete, correctly formatted bibliographical entry for each source using the Harvard Referencing Guide distributed in class. 3. Directly underneath each reference write an evaluation paragraph (or annotation) of approximately 200 - 250 words that includes: -  a brief summary of the main points from the source -  an indication of how you might use this information in your work (the argument it will help you develop)

SAS1 - Annotated Bibliography EVALUATION OF SOURCES 代写 -  an evaluation of the source in terms of methodologies employed, research conducted, etc. FORMAT REQUIREMENTS Follow the SAS1 Style Guide. ATTACHMNETS: Attach the following photocopies or print-outs of the two sources listed in your bibliography: •  the first page of the journal article, ensuring that the journal title and other publishing details are clearly visible •  a print-out of the Ulrich’s database record of the journal. •  the title page and publication details page of the book (applies to printed and electronic versions of books) •  if listing a chapter in an edited book, you must also supply the contents page that shows the chapter title and chapter author’s name You must hand a hard copy of this task to your tutor and upload a WORD copy to the Turnitin box on the Moodle site before 11pm Friday 17 th November. Student Declaration This work is entirely the product of my own research and writing. All direct quotations, information, views and interpretations drawn from primary and secondary sources have been acknowledged in appropriate references. This work has not, in whole or in part, been submitted for assessment in any other subject or course of study at this college or at any other educational institution. I understand that plagiarism may attract serious penalties, including a mark of zero for this assignment and disciplinary action. Student’s Signature: ......................................................................... T Myjavec  Summer 2017 Annotated Bibliography - Marking Criteria Weighting 85 - 100% 75 - 84% 65 - 74% 50 - 64% 0 - 49% HD  D  C  P  F EVALUATION OF SOURCES 30 SOURCE 1 Provides a concise summary of the main points from the source.  Establishes relevance to the research question and clearly states how the source could be used. The reliability of the source is assessed. (This could include objectivity, methodology, conclusions, references cited). 30 SOURCE 2 Provides a concise summary of the main points from the source.  Establishes relevance to the research question and clearly states how the source could be used. The reliability of the source is evaluated. (This could include objectivity, methodology, conclusions, references cited). LANGUAGE and STRUCTURE 20 Annotations are expressed in the student’s own words using formal and correct English and correct annotation format is observed. Note: Direct quotations are not permitted for this assignment. REFERENCES 20  Entries are accurate, complete, correctly formatted and in alphabetical order.  Mark before deductions:  % DEDUCTIONS MARKS DEDUCTED Missing attachments: 2 marks each Attachments missing information that makes it difficult to check the accuracy of the bibliography entry: 1 mark each  Non-observance of items listed under Format Requirements: 1 mark each (maximum deduction: 6 marks)  Late submission: 10% of the preliminary mark per day for the first three days; after three days no mark will be awarded  Plagiarism or other misuse of sources  This task will not be marked unless it is submitted to Turnitin by the due date TOTAL MARKS DEDUCTED:  FINAL MARK (rounded to nearest full mark): % Student Name  Student Number  Tutorial Group  T Myjavec  Summer 2017 SAS1 - Annotated Bibliography EVALUATION OF SOURCES 代写


