发布时间:2019-10-30 20:24
 La Trobe Business School CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR [MKT2CBE] Subject Learning Guide Semester 2  2016  Bundoora Campus  Subject Coordinator: Dr. Stephen Singaraju  Table of Contents SUBJECT DETAILS 3 GENERAL  DETAILS  3 ENROLMENT  REQUIREMENTS 3代写[MKT2CBE] STAFF  CONTACTS 3 SUBJECT  DESCRIPTION 3 SUBJECT  INTENDED  LEARNING  OUTCOMES  (SILOS) 3 GRADUATE  CAPABILITIES 4 LEARNING  ACTIVITY  SUMMARY 4 ASSESSMENT  AND  FEEDBACK  SUMMARY 4 LEARNING  RESOURCES 6 STUDENT  FEEDBACK  ON  SUBJECT  SURVEY 7 F OR INFORMATION ON  S TUDENT  F EEDBACK ON  S UBJECTS REFER TO : 7 HTTP :// WWW . LATROBE . EDU . AU / STUDENTS / GET - INVOLVED / SPEAK - UP / SUBJECTS - TEACHING 7 POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES 8 A CADEMIC  I NTEGRITY  8 S PECIAL  C ONSIDERATION 8 E XTENSIONS ,  L ATE  S UBMISSIONS AND  P ENALTIES 8 R ESULTS , REVIEWS AND RE - MARKS 8 SCHEDULE OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES 9 S ESSION  P LAN  9 L EARNING  A CTIVITY  D ETAILS  10 L EARNING  A CTIVITY  - C OLLEGE /S CHOOL /D ISCIPLINE - SPECIFIC  I NFORMATION  10 S TUDENT  L EARNING  U NIT  (SL)  10 L EARNING  M ANAGEMENT  S YSTEM  (LMS)  10 L IBRARY  10 S TUDENT  S UPPORT  S ERVICES  11 P EER  L EARNING  A DVISERS  11 ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK DETAILS 11 D ETAILED  G RADING  C RITERIA 12 A SSESSMENT  T ASK  1  (G ROUP  T ASK ) 12 La Trobe University  2 Subject Details  GENERAL DETAILS Subject Code:  MKT2CBE  Subject Title:  Consumer Behaviour Teaching Period:  Semester 2/2016  Location(s):  Bundoora Campus Credit Points:  15  Mode:  Standard  Level:  2 ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Prerequisites:  MKT1MDP Co-requisites:  N/A Incompatibles:  N/A Assumed Skills & Knowledge:  Basic marketing and business knowledge Special Study Requirements:  N/A STAFF CONTACTS Role Campus Name Email Telephone Room Subject Coordinator  Bundoora Dr. Stephen Singaraju s.singaraju@latrobe.edu.au 03 9479 MAR373 1039 Instance Coordinator  Shepparton/ Philip Trebilcock P.Trebilcock@latrobe.edu.au 03 5444 Room Albury 7264 1.52 Wodonga (Business Building) Instance Coordinator  Bendigo Elaine Plant E.Plant@latrobe.edu.au 03 9479 Room 3394 SS2.15 Instance Coordinator  Mildura Jane Schmidt J.Schmidt@latrobe.edu.au XNB SUBJECT DESCRIPTION This course provides students with useable, individual, consumer and managerial understanding of consumer behaviour principles. It directly applies concepts, principles, and theories from the various social sciences such as psychology, economics, sociology, cultural anthropology that influence the consumer’s decision-making process. The understandings available from the subject empower consumers, marketers, and managers to apply consumer behaviour principles to respectively monitor their own consumption decisions, stimulate consumption, or manage marketing systems. SUBJECT INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (SILOS) Upon successful completion of this subject, you should be able to: 1 Recall, restate, and apply basic consumer behaviour theory. Upon completing this subject, students should be able to: • Recall the bases and principles of consumer behaviour. • Demonstrate knowledge of the perceptual, memory and cognitive mechanisms instrumental to consumer behaviour. • Demonstrate knowledge of attitudinal, lifestyle and personality factors in relation to the creation of consumer perceived value. 2 Differentiate between ethical and unethical behaviours: (a) by consumers, and (b) by companies in their application of consumer behaviour techniques/knowledge. Upon completing this subject, students should be able to: • Apply consumer behaviour theories and consumer research to investigate a marketing activity. • Evaluate, assess and critique the consumer behaviour issues underlying a marketing activity. • Identify in a marketing activity any problematic ethical issues that should be addressed and propose suitable changes. 3 Critically analyse product and marketing appeals in terms of the consumer behaviour issues inherent in the in a structured written report. La Trobe University 3 Upon completing this subject, students should be able to: • Identify the marketing appeals which underlie the current marketing campaign. • Analyse the influence of variables such as attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and consumer needs on how information is processed by consumers in relation to a current marketing campaign. 4 Identify limitations/problems in product and marketing appeals, and make logical and justifiable proposals to address the existing limitations. Upon completing this subject, students should be able to: • Develop a structured written argument identifying consumer behaviour issues relevant to a current marketing campaign. 5 Differentiate between the personal, marketing, and managerial applications of consumer behaviour. Upon completing this subject, students should be able to: • Identify the marketing appeals directed at individual consumers • Recall and apply the different consumer behaviour tools/elements that marketers have available to them. • Apply consumer behaviour techniques in a strategic manner at managerial level. GRADUATE CAPABILITIES The following Graduate Capabilities (GCs) are evaluated in this subject: GC  GC Point a  Writing  3 b  Speaking  2 c  Enquiry / Research  3 d  Critical thinking /analysis  3 e  Creative problem solving/ synthesis  2 f  Team work  2 LEARNING ACTIVITY SUMMARY Learning Activity:  Schedule Workshops (Weeks 1-12 – 2 hour per week)  Weeks 1-12 Further information is available at http://www.latrobe.edu.au/timetable/ ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK SUMMARY Assessment Tasks:  Due Date  SILOs  GCs  %  Comments Assessment Task 1 (Group Task) Major report 2000 word essay – group work, teams of four. Form a team of four (must only be with a student from your tutorial – no exceptions). Select a current video advertisement for a good or service which is of interest or relevance to you both from YouTube. To effectively demonstrate the application of consumer behaviour principles a suitable advertisement must be selected. The YouTube link must be presented with your report. Assignments must be lodged electronically via the subject LMS and plagiarism checked by each student using Turnitin before final submission. The advertisement you use as the basis of the assignment may be lodged as an attached file if necessary. The advertisement must be in English. NO EXCEPTIONS. Assignments which analyse an ad which is not in English will receive a zero mark. Week 8 [19 th September 2016 @5pm] 1,2,3,4, 5 a,c,d,e,f  35  Assignment documents must be submitted as one electronic document for each group in the Turnitin link provided on the subject LMS by the due date. No Hard copies will be accepted. La Trobe University 4 La Trobe University 5 Notes: A report format is required for this assignment –  not an essay. Reports consist of headings and discrete sections whereas essays consist of continuous prose. The required report format will be given to students. Assignments submitted in essay format will receive a zero mark. Tasks: (a) Identify the advertisement, the product, product class and the general type of advertising appeal used. (b) Analyse in a detailed and structured way (in a logical report format) the consumer behaviour issues involved, their relevance and why they are important. These consumer behaviour issues may include: product positioning relevant to competitors (eg differentiation), emotional appeals, decision-making prompts, cultural appeals, consumer motivations, decision-making processes and any other issues relevant to the product. Marks will be awarded on the basis of the relevance and thoroughness of the consumer behaviour analysis. (c) Identify any ethical and consumer behaviour issues you feel are not currently being adequately addressed (or are ineffectively addressed) by the current campaign. (d) Identify and discuss how your consumer behaviour insights could be used to improve the marketing of the good or service or explain why no changes are required. (e) An additional element of this assignment is a brief critique of the teamwork dynamics experienced while completing this assignment – Refer to the Marking Sheet). Additional Notes: It is expected that you explore the topic, consult resources beyond lecture notes and the course text, and explain the limitations to your approach. For an academic work, you are required to primarily use models and theories, found in the textbooks, journal articles, and found through your own research to support your argument/analysis – this should be supported by explanation to show your understanding and application of the concepts. At least four relevant non-textbook references are required to satisfy the research component. Don't forget to reference all information sources (marks will be lost otherwise)! Please also refer to the style guidelines provided below. The assignment must be in a Microsoft Word document and fully referenced using the Harvard referencing style. The topic area will require reading and research outside the text and references earlier listed. As a guide, word length expected is about 2,000 -2,500 words, plus appendices (which must be submitted in the one electronic document) if applicable. Assessment Task 2 (Individual Task) Online Quiz There will be a total of three online quizzes. The online quizzes require students to restate and apply the basic Consumer Behaviour principles and theory presented in the seminars preceding these quizzes. These quizzes are completed outside of seminar and tutorial times. Each quiz must be completed in the 30 minutes duration Quiz 1 – Week 3 [Opened on 8 th August till 15 th August ,2016 @5pm] 1,3,5  a,d,e  15  Note: Students are required complete these quizzes via the subject LMS. No printed copies of these quizzes will be provided. La Trobe University 6 allowed. Students are expected to observe and take note of the deadline for each quiz as each quiz must be completed by these deadlines. Non completion of quizzes will receive a zero mark unless they subsequently lodge a medical certificate issued the same day, in which case they will be granted another opportunity to sit the quiz. Quiz 2 – Week 6 [Opened on 29 th August till 5 th September, 2016 @5pm] Quiz 3 – Week 9 [Opened on 19 th September till 26 th September, 2016 @5pm] Assessment Task 3 (Twitter Contribution) Micro-blogging (Twitter) contributions by groups in workshop exercises via the subject Twitter Platform. Only Group leaders need to submit tweets. Always mention the #tag provided for each question when tweeting the answers for these questions. Contributions are due on a weekly basis. Cut off time for contributions is 3 rd October, 2016 @5pm a,c,d,e  10  Assessment Task 4 (Final Examination) The final examination is designed to test students’ knowledge of management principles covered this semester. The structure of the final examination will be announced during the semester. TBC by Central Examination 1,2,3,4 , 5 a,c,d,e  40  Exact date to be confirmed by Central Examination LEARNING RESOURCES Reading Type  Title  Author and Year  Publisher Book (Prescribed Text) CB5, 7th Edition  Barry J. Babin and Eric Harris  Cengage Learning ISBN-13: 9781305403222 Book  Consumer behaviour  Craig-Lees, M., Joy, S., Browne, B. 1995 Jacaranda Wiley Ltd. Book  Evans, M.J., Moutinho, L., Raaij, W.F.V., Applied Consumer Behaviour, 1st edition, 1996 Addison-Wesley, England. Book  Foxall, G., R., and Goldsmith, R., E., Consumer Psychology for Marketing 1994 London: Routledge Book  Mowen, J., C.,  Consumer Behaviour, second edition 2000 New York: Maxwell Macmillan International Edition. Book  Neal, Cathy, Pascale Quester and Del Hawkins Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy, second edition 2003 The McGraw-Hill Company, Australia Book  Peter, J., P., Olson, J.,  Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy New York : Richard Irwin, Mcgraw Hill & Co. Book  Widing, S., Sheth, Jagdish, Banwari Mittal and Bruce Newman Customer Behaviour: Consumer Behaviour and Beyond, 2004 New York: The Dryden Press, Harcourt Brace Publishers La Trobe University 7 Book  Shiffman Bednall and Watson Kanuk Consumer Behaviour, 2002  Sydney: Prentice Hall Australia Pty. Ltd. STUDENT FEEDBACK ON SUBJECT SURVEY The Student Feedback on Subjects (SFS) Survey is part of the quality assurance process that occurs across the university. In this survey you are invited to tell us about your learning experiences in this subject. Your views will be taken seriously and will assist us to enhance this subject for the next group of students. The surveys are anonymous, and you will be invited to participate via an email sent to your account during the survey period. For information on Student Feedback on Subjects refer to: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/get-involved/speak-up/subjects-teaching La Trobe University 8 Policies, Procedures and Guidelines  The University has a comprehensive policy framework to which both staff and students must adhere. You should familiarise yourself with those policies, procedures and guidelines likely to affect you especially the following: • Academic Integrity • Academic Progress • Assessment and Feedback • Extension to Submission Dates • Late Submission of Assessment Tasks • Occupational, Health and Safety [OHS] • Privacy • Special Consideration • Student Charter • Use of Electronic Mail The relevant policies, procedures and guidelines can be found on the website at: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/policy/ Academic Integrity Academic integrity means being honest in academic work and taking responsibility for learning the conventions of scholarship. La Trobe University views this seriously as evidenced by the following extract: Academic honesty is a fundamental principle in teaching, learning, research and scholarship. The University requires its academic staff and students to observe the highest ethical standards in all aspects of academic work and it demonstrates its commitment to these values by awarding due credit for honestly conducted scholarly work, and by penalising academic misconduct and all forms of cheating. Academic Integrity Procedures (2012, p. 1 of 6) Academic misconduct includes improper referencing, plagiarism, copying and cheating. You should familiarise yourself with your responsibilities in relation to Academic Integrity and if you have any questions, direct them to your Course Coordinator. Information can be found on the website at: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/learning/academic-integrity. For assistance with referencing visit http://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/learning/academic-integrity/referencing-help Special Consideration Special Consideration is the term used to describe a process that applies an equity measure to ensure that where any temporary adverse circumstances beyond the control of a student, that impact negatively on that student’s ability to demonstrate their learning achievement for an assessment task, is taken into account. Eligibility to apply for Special Consideration does not automatically imply eligibility to receive it. Certain criteria must be satisfied in order to receive Special Consideration. Submission of special consideration applications for assignments, mid-semester tests and final examinations should be made online at: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/special-consideration Extensions, Late Submissions and Penalties There are policies and procedures to guarantee fair, consistent and transparent treatment of late submission of assessment tasks provide equity around extensions to submission dates and penalties associated with not submitting assessment by the due date and time. Please refer to the relevant policies, procedures and guidelines website at: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/policy/documents/late-submission-of- assessment-tasks-policy.pdf Submission of special consideration applications for assignments, mid-semester tests and final examinations should be made online at: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/special-consideration Results, reviews and re-marks If you believe your assessment task has been marked incorrectly you may request a review of your marks. Please refer to the relevant policies, procedures and guidelines website at: http://www.latrobe.edu.au/students/exams/results La Trobe University 9 Schedule of Learning Activities  Session Plan Week  Topic  Activity Assessment  Resources  SILOs GCs  %  1 • Course outline and introduction to CBE • What is CBE and why should I care? • The consumer behaviour value framework workshop  Readings: Chapter 1 and 2 (In Ba • Personality, Lifestyles, Attitudes and the Self Concept workshop  Readings: Chapter 6 (In Babin and Harris CB5) 1,3,4,5  a,b,c,d,e,f 5 • Attitudes And Attitude Change • Groups and interpersonal influence workshop  Readings: Chapters 7 and 8 (In Babin and Harris CB5) 1,3,4,5  a,b,c,d,e,f 6 Topic to be confirmed Guest Lecture 7 • Consumer Culture • Micro-cultures workshop  Readings: Chapters 9 and 10 (In Babin and Harris CB5) 1,3,4,5  a,b,c,d,e,f 8 • Consumer in Situations • Decision making (Part 1): Need recognition and Search workshop  Readings: Chapters 11 and 12 (In Babin and Harris CB5) 1,3,4,5  a,b,c,d,e,f 9 • Decision making (Part 2): Alternative evaluation and choice workshop  Readings: Chapter 13 (In Babin and Harris CB5) 1,3,4,5  a,b,c,d,e,f 10 • Consumption to satisfaction workshop  Readings: Chapter 14 (In Babin and Harris CB5) 1,2,3,4,5  a,b,c,d,e,f Week  Topic  Activity Assessment  Resources  SILOs GCs  %  11 • Consumer Relationship workshop  Readings: Chapter 15 (In Babin and Harris CB5) 1,2,3,4,5  a,b,c,d,e,f 12 Consumer and Marketing Misbehaviour Note: Revision Practice Questions for the Exam will be provided. workshop  Readings: Chapter 16 (In Babin and Harris CB5) 1,2,3,4,5  a,b,c,d,e,f STU 15  1,3,5 Submission Details This is an online quiz via the subject LMS. Students are provided with three quizzes that they need to complete by the due dates. Due dates for each quiz is provided above. Grading Criteria and Feedback As provided on the subject LMS Description of Task As provided above. Assessment Task 3 Due Date % SILOs Assessed Micro-blogging (Twitter) contributions by groups in workshop exercises Due dates are provided above. 10  1,3,5 Submission Details Via the subject Twitter Platform. Only Group leaders need to submit tweets. Always mention the #tag provided for each question when tweeting the answers for these questions. Grading Criteria and Feedback As provided below Description of Task Active participation is crucial to your learning in this subject. You should come to the workshops ready to participate, having completed all readings and assignments. Simply showing up for class will not earn a full participation grade. You earn your workshop contribution grade by bringing your readings to class, taking notes, respectfully contributing to workshop discussions and completing any in-class activities. La Trobe University 11 La Trobe University 12 Assessment Task 4 Due Date % SILOs Assessed Assessment Task 4 (Final Examination)  TBC  40  1,2,3,4,5 Submission Details N/A Grading Criteria and Feedback N/A Description of Task As provided above. Detailed Grading Criteria Assessment Task 1 (Group Task) Assessment Criterion Weight  Key Assessment Aspects  Mark Introduction  5% • Have the students sufficiently introduced the topic? • Have they identified the main issues which will be discussed in this report? Ad selection and justification 5% • Have the students selected an appropriate ad? • How relevant is the ad to studying consumer behaviour? • Have the student offered any justification as to why they believe this ad is worth analyzing? Ad background  15% • Have the students investigated the nature of the industry which produced the ad? • Have they identified the major players in the industry? • Have they identified the objectives of the ad and the campaign which it was a part of? 代写[MKT2CBE]


