Aviation Law and Regulations 2016 (AVIA2401)
This research assignment is worth 10% of the total assessment for this subject.
The assignment is to be submitted in class on Tuesday 22 March 2016
A UNSW Coversheet is REQUIRED to be attached to your assignment.
Select an Australian aviation-related case that is referenced in your text book and each
student is to select a DIFFERENT case (students will write selected case on class role)
The case (Law Report) may be either reported or unreported but must be from an Australian
Court or an Australian Tribunal.
The following items (shown as 7 HEADINGS IN YOUR ASSIGNMENT) must be included.
1. Name and full citation of the case
2. Date of proceedings of the court or tribunal
3. Name of the judge(s) who sat on the case
4. Name of the legal representatives of all the parties
(Items 1-4 total 2 marks)
5. The FACTS of the case
(Item 5 total 2 marks)
6. The LEGAL ISSUES of the case
(Item 6 total 3 marks)
(Item 7 total 2 marks)
8. Presentation
(Item 8 total 1 mark)
References: The prescribed text provides guidance in Legal Research and the format and
interpretation of Law Reports and should be read prior to attempting this
research assignment.
Other information is available at:
NOTE: 1. The maximum word limit is 600 words and a MAXIMUM of TWO PAGES (not counting
cover sheet)
2. Assignment must include the seven (7) HEADINGS as listed above
代写 Aviation Law and Regulations 2016 (AVIA2401)