
发布时间:2019-10-19 17:01
Critical discuss on A-Level system in Btitan   Abstract Beginning from the background introduction of history, society, the development of education in UK to research the causes, a comprehensive analysis will be written to discuss on education system in UK critically from a particular practice, A-Level. A-level which is the abbreviation of General Certificate of Education Advanced Level has already been formally put into service in 1951 by the education ministry of UK. A-Level is supposed to be the key to the universities as entrance examinations for students in UK. In other words, the grades of A-Level, to a large extent, have a great effect on whether students can enter their ideal universities. In the time of knowledge-based, A-Level becomes a hot sport among students as well as some critics. owadays, the increasing number of grade A makes A-Level focus. The high passing rate seems to attract more and more students in UK to choose A-Level courses to achieve their university dream. But the external attitude towards A-Level changes accordingly. his assignment is mainly about the critical discussion on the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level in United Kingdom which currently faces a series of reforms, and to find out how the tendency of UK education system related to the wider international situation and whether it is good or not. 1. Introduction 1.1 Introduction of A-Level A-Level was put into service in 1951 by the education ministry in UK. A-Level is supposed to be the UK public course system which contains three courses. In Britain, most of the schools refer A-Level as the standard for colleges entrance. But in recent years, a growing number of critics about A-Level occurred. In 2010, the UK education secretary Michael Gove suggest that A-Level should be replaced because he thinks A-Level exams has already lost its fairness and effect. On the contrary, some universities such as Cambridge stick that A-Level needs reform not replacement. That is to say, A-Level needs to be reformed that it can have more choices about courses and it needs to be more multiple and practical. Also the standard of A-Level should be improved. 1.2 Introduction of futrther education To start with this assignment, let’s have a review on education system in UK. Since the late 19th century, the education movement of UK begins. This big event did really help change the monopoly of classic education in England. Science tends to be the center of modern education, which, in turn, becomes the social center. (Gao zhiliang, 2010)The success of the movement lies in the priorities given to science and education with proper governmental intervention and manipulation of harmonious relationship between scientific education and classic education. All this helps with the development of scientific education in late 19th century in Britain, which also has an inestimable effect on modern society of UK. (Russell C. Maddox, 1947) 2. The concept of the Academic Route: GCE A-Level 2.1 Academic Route: GCE A-Level The General Certificate of Education Advanced Level, commonly referred to as an A-Level, is the most important part in the Academic Route of examination system. The General Certificate of Education Advanced Level contains more than one hundred subjects, which is a qualification offered by education institutions in England, Northern Ireland and Wales which means A-Level is accepted by most of the colleges in UK. It is also offered by a small minority of institutions, typically private, in Scotland, where students usually take Higher education and Advanced Higher education of the Scottish Qualifications Certificate instead. The process of A-Level study is usually studied for a two year period by the students aged between sixteen and eighteen and the A-Level is widely recognized around the world, as well as being the standard entry qualification for assessing the suitability of applicants for academic courses in UK universities. Thus students from all over the world also have the chance to study in UK. 2.2 The present situation of A-Level in UK During the recent years, the passing rate of A-Level has a big increase since 2002 Figures from the Joint Council for Qualifications show 97.2% of entries in England, Wales and Northern Ireland passed, up from 96.9%. A grades went to 25.9% of the entries, up from 25.3% - and in Northern Ireland more than a third achieved an A. The results reveal striking differences in achievement across England, with south-east England getting the most As. There, 29.1% of entries were awarded an A grade - an increase of 6.1 percentage points since 2002. 3. Critical discuss on A-Level From the form above, it’s easy to find out that the education system in UK has already divided into eight levels, which covers the vocational education system. Education in UK can be simply considered as three types, the academic education, the vocational education and the professional qualification certificate education. Thus there must be three development directions for students. Students have various choices for their future. 3.1 The disadvantages of A-Level Does that mean A-Level is really the most suitable approach for students in UK to college? On the contrary there have been more and more criticisms about A-Level.  The most critical issue widely discussed in the UK is the steady rise, in particular whether this implies that the examinations for A-Level are going to get consistently easier, causes the situation that more and more students are considered to choose A-Level to be the shortcut to the famous universities. From my perspective of view, it is an inevitable outcome for students who are made to pursue a better education environment such as Cambridge of Oxford. 3.2 The advantages of A-Level Although there are more and more criticisms about A-Level, it is still the most efficacious method for universities in UK to distinguish outstanding students. In order to meet the need for talent training, A-Level can help the universities to find out the most suitable candidates on condition that a new reform occurred on it. It is an useful way to tell students who are eager to study and students who are not keen on science research. Just like the college entrance examination in China. 4. Innovation of the Education System  In the time of the knowledge-based economy, education system in UK should fit the tide of world technology progress and choose appropriate policy about technology after considering the possible effect on talent training. Otherwise the country can not develop and find its place among world nations. Undoubtedly the education system does really have a lot of disadvantages if it keeps invariable. 5. Conclusion Everything has its own two sides, no exception with General Certificate of Education Advanced Level. For one thing, General Certificate of Education Advanced Level is the most efficacious way for students in UK to compete and then attend university. Also the country can elect the talents through A-level exams. It means UK depends on A-Level to train talents to meet society’s needs in every vocation. The tendency of students’ choices for A-Level courses also shows that the attitude of teenagers towards science and mathematics are obviously changed. Judging by the figures, we can draw three conclusions: 1.The General Certificate of Education Advanced Level has some disadvantages which urgently need to be solved. But it is still the main examination system in UK. 2. The focus of the world’s education system tends to change gradually. In the time of globalization, science tends to be the center of modern education which now is the social center. 3. The reform on education system in UK as well as in all over the word must take a great cost to complete. Personally, I believe that A-Level is suitable for the current situation in UK. A-Level has an irreplaceable role in education system in UK. A-level is not only a tool for training students but also an important chance for students to change their future and the country’s future.   Reference Russell C. Maddox, 1947, New education system in Britain, Florida State University Anna Viqnoles, Stephen Machin, 2005, What’s the good of education: the economics of education in the UK, Princeton University Press Ken Jones, 2003, Education in Britain:1994 to present, 2nd , Wiley-Blackwell Q&A: Overhauling the exam system, (Updated on 16th July 2003) Available  [accessed on 12th June 2006] Record top A-Level grades awarded, (Updated on 20th August 2009) Available  [accessed on 20th August 2009] Education Secretary Michael Gove plans A-level reform, (Updated on 4th July 2010) Available  [accessed on 4th July 2010] A-level pupils urged to spurn “soft” subjects, (Updated on 12th August 2005) Available  [accessed on 13th July 2010] 从背景介绍,历史,社会,教育的发展在英国研究的原因,开始将被写入了全面的分析,讨论在英国的教育体系,从一个特定的实践中, A-Level的批判。 A级这是一般教育先进水平证书的缩写,已经被正式投入服务,于1951年由英国教育部。应该是A-Level的学生在英国的大学入学考试的关键。换句话说, A-Level的成绩,在很大程度上,有很大的影响,对学生能否进入理想的大学。在以知识为基础的时候, A-Level的学生之间,以及一些批评成为一个热门的运动。的owadays ,越来越多的A级A-Level的焦点。高合格率似乎吸引了越来越多的学生选择在英国A-Level的课程,以实现他们的大学梦。但外部的A-Level的态度发生相应的变化。他的任务主要是关于教育先进水平的英国目前面临着一系列的改革,并找出如何更广泛的国际形势有关英国教育体系的倾向,无论是好还是普通教育证书的关键讨论没有。 1。介绍 A-Level的1.1介绍 A-Level的投入服务,于1951年获教育部在英国。 A-Level的应该是英国公共课程系统,其中包含三个疗程。在英国,大多数的学校,请参阅A-Level的学院门口的标准。但近年来,越来越多的批评A-级发生。在2010年,英国教育大臣迈克尔·戈夫建议,应及时更换,因为他认为A-Level的A-Level的考试已经失去了它的公平性和效果。相反,一些大学如剑桥棒A-Level的需要改革而不是更换。也就是说,A级,它可以有更多的选择课程,需要进行改革,它需要多个实用。 A级标准也应提高。 1.2的futrther教育简介 要开始这个任务,让我们在英国教育体制的评论。 自19世纪后期,英国的教育运动的开始。这个大事件的确帮助改变英国经典教育的垄断。科学往往是现代教育的中心,反过来,成为社会的中心。高志良( 2010)运动的成功在于给科学和教育与适当的政府干预和操纵科学教育和经典教育的和谐关系中的优先事项。所有这一切都有助于在19世纪后期的英国,也有不可估量的作用现代英国社会科学教育的发展。 (罗素C.马多克斯,1947) 2。学术路线的概念: GCE A级 2.1学术路线: GCE A级 普通教育证书教育先进水平,通常被称为“ A-Level的考试制度的学术路线,是最重要的部分。教育先进水平普通教育证书包含一百多个科目,这是由教育机构提供的资格在英格兰,北爱尔兰和威尔士,这意味着在英国的大部分院校接受A-Level的。它也提供一小部分机构,通常是私有的,在苏格兰,学生通常需要较高的教育和先进的高等教育的苏格兰学历证书,而不是。 A-Level的学习的过程,通常是研究了两年的时间,由16岁和18岁之间的学生,在世界各地被广泛认可的A级,以及作为标准的入门资格评估申请人是否适合在英国大学的学术课程。因此,来自世界各地的学生也有机会到英国留学。 2.2在英国A-Level的现状 在最近的几年里, A-Level的合格率有较大幅度增长,自2002年以来资格联会的数字显示97.2%的项目在英格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰过去了,增长96.9% 。 A级去条目的25.9% ,增长25.3 % - 在北爱尔兰的三分之一以上达到A.结果显示显着的差异,实现整个英格兰,英格兰东南部最。 ,有29.1%的项目被授予A级 - 自2002年以来增加了6.1个百分点。 3。 A-Level的关键讨论 从上面的表格中,可以很容易地发现,已经在英国的教育系统分为八个级别,其中包括职业教育体系。英国教育可以简单地认为,三种类型,学历教育,职业教育和职业资格证书教育。因此,必须有三个学生的发展方向。学生有不同的选择,为他们的未来。 3.1 A-Level的缺点 这是否意味着A-Level的学生在英国大学真的是最合适的方法吗? 相反,已经有越来越多的批评, A-Level的。 最关键的问题,在英国广泛讨论是稳中有涨,尤其是,这是否意味着A-Level的考试,会得到一贯容易,造成的局面,越来越多的学生认为选择A-Level的著名大学的捷径。从我的角度来看,这是一个必然的结果都是为了追求更好的教育环境中,如牛津剑桥的学生谁。 3.2 A-Level的优势 虽然有越来越多的批评, A-Level的,它仍然是最有效的方法区分优秀学生在英国大学。为了满足人才培养的需要,A级可以帮助找出最合适的人选的情况下,一个新的改革发生在大学。这是一个有用的方式,告诉学生们渴望学习和学生谁不热衷于科学研究。就像中国的高考。 4 。教育系统的创新 在以知识为基础的经济的时候,在英国的教育体系应适应世界科技进步的大潮中,选择适当的政策后,有关技术人才培养上考虑可能造成的影响。否则,国家就不能发展,并在世界各国中找到自己的位置。毫无疑问,教育系统不真的有很多缺点,如果它保持不变。 5 。结论 任何事物都有其两面性,教育与普通教育证书高级程度也不例外。对于一件事,一般教育先进水平的证书是最有效的方式,为在英国的学生进行竞争,然后参加大学。此外,国家可以通过A级考试选人才。这意味着英国取决于A-Level的培养人才,以满足社会的需要,在每一个职业。学生选择A- Level课程的趋势也表明,青少年对科学和数学的态度有明显改变。 从数字来看,我们可以得出三个结论: 1 ,一般教育先进水平的证书也有一些缺点,迫切需要解决。但它仍然是英国主要考试制度。 2。世界教育系统的重点会逐步改变。在全球化时代,科学往往是现代教育的中心,现在是社会的中心。 3。在英国教育体制的改革,以及在字必须冒了很大的成本来完成。 就个人而言,我相信, A-Level的是适合英国目前的形势。在英国A-Level的教育系统中具有无可替代的作用。 A级不仅是培养学生的工具,但也是一个重要的机会,为学生改变自己的前途和国家的未来。   参考 1947年,罗素C.马多克斯,新的教育体制在英国,美国佛罗里达州立大学 安娜Viqnoles 2005年斯蒂芬MACHIN ,日,什么是良好的教育:教育经济学,在英国,美国普林斯顿大学出版社 肯·琼斯, 2003年,在英国教育: 1994年至今,第二, Wiley - Blackwell的 Q&A :检修考试制度( 2003年7月16日更新) [ 2006年6月12日] 记录“评出的顶级颁发的A-Level的成绩, 2009年8月20日(更新) [ 2009年8月20日访问] 教育大臣迈克尔·戈夫计划A级改革(更新于2010年7月4日) [ 2010年7月4日访问] A级学生呼吁摒弃“软”科目, 2005年8月12日(更新) [ 2010年7月13日访问]



