
发布时间:2019-10-19 17:01
Tunnel construction management as an important work of daily management, the construction process of the construction materials, machinery and equipment, concrete use of cost control, quality of construction of the tunnel is to achieve one of the guarantees and social benefits. Therefore, from the construction method to the construction of the various elements of scientific control, improve material utilization and reduce costs caused by the loss of working time phenomenon.   A tunnel Overexcavation control means   1.1 construction design to accurately measure the loft during tunnel construction, when carried out in accordance with the scientific design perfect construction supervision, excavation control the distance to try to reduce the error overbreak errors. This requires the construction sector with more advanced measuring instruments, on the basis of precise strategies to strengthen the sense of responsibility mapping education, the results of the measurement and timely feedback.     1.2 Measurement results and timely feedback, make adjustments accordingly after blasting tunnel section and pre-construction design loft section have a certain gap, work area design data in accordance with the pre-budget overbreak distance, mostly in the actual cross-section staking program , so the design of cross-section according to a predetermined value for construction control, to go through all of the over and under group give accurate measurement data, and construction captain, construction workers and other agreed, good first-hand information, reported to the technical director and director of engineering work area, to facilitate timely decision-making and management.   1.3 pairs of daily consumption of concrete and timely feedback to achieve the measurement data proofreading approved, construction technology departments should strengthen the jet, the tunnel invert, tunnel lining surrounding places such as filling and a good amount of concrete used for accurate strictly controlled, arrange special personnel inspect the concrete daily usage, and timely reported to the construction of district director or technical supervisor.   2 tunnel construction schedule management measures   2.1 Strengthening excavation process cycle times and footage of the assessment of the progress in improving aspects of engineering, construction area combined with pre-construction experience, the project's actual construction conditions that can develop scientific and strict construction personnel appraisal reward system, each team for tunnel construction implementation of the on-site attendance time requirements, adding emergence of convergence from chain or delay construction of the phenomenon, carried out by the parties and the negative sign and acknowledge the responsibility lies. Strict examination cycle shift construction site personnel situation. Are not allowed to leave early, undergo phenomenon. All the time, and tunnel construction progress of construction to be a reasonable plan for improving the enthusiasm of the majority of construction workers.     2.2 to improve tunnel construction work area traffic management plan according to the construction program and the overall planning tunnel construction situation in each hole large lay aside a good place to avoid two parking spaces, and should avoid the car tunnel excavation to the appropriate The height and width, to ensure the smooth construction vehicles turn around, in order to better solve the wrong car tunnel construction vehicles and turn around the problem. To exit the tunnel construction area where a large lay-hole each place setting conspicuous warning and speed limit signs, etc., to improve transport vehicle driver's ability to judge. Meanwhile, the driver of a vehicle to the construction personnel rigorous training and assessment, in accordance with the last in-first-out principle, to go through the wrong car at the engineering vehicles continue to walk forward, you need the wrong car at the wrong car vehicle waiting around the wrong car, and proactive Turn off the car headlights to allow oncoming vehicles to pass them first.     2.3 Enhanced management of machinery and equipment used in the ventilation tunnel construction machinery, pneumatic machinery, mixer, canned vehicles, excavators, etc. costs incurred during construction of the tunnel, as the main part of the cost of construction machinery to carry out the mechanical costs reasonable control, thereby reducing the cost of tunnel construction. Air compressors, ventilation equipment management is an important work area management, then they have to start the air compressor, ventilation machinery strict management and evaluation, according to the requirements of tunnel construction, strict control and ventilation equipment, air compressor switch, the implementation of personal responsibility; strengthen the use of the process of management and control, especially for the installation of the wind pipe, can not appear leakage, leakage phenomenon. In order to achieve cost control control mixing station, concrete work area can use other week to conduct a comprehensive and accurate statistics, and Chen in the weekly seminar to analyze and summarize the use of electricity is not a normal phenomenon for reasons analysis, and gives practical and effective measures to solve the later construction work area to reduce unnecessary waste, effectively improve material utilization and reduce construction costs. Tunnel construction loading transport equipment, including excavators, loaders, trucks and other canned, work area for the use of excavators and loaders in accordance with the hourly fuel consumption assessment, assessment for canned car can also follow this manner, at the same time, work area a variety of equipment and machinery, driving operators unauthorized use is strictly prohibited, violators for serious treatment.   Equipment maintenance problems in dealing with work area, they can according to the following procedure, beginning drivers for warranty, in charge of inspection, based on the notification repair personnel to repair, repair after mechanical supervisor to timely acceptance, final inspection repair driver will equipment repair single cross to machinery management staff. After acceptance, the mechanical use of drivers, maintenance personnel and mechanical maintenance supervisor who want to be registered to use all of the accessories shown to reduce the waste of parts and maintenance costs.   2.4 Management Daily inspection order to effectively solve the problem of the existence of the construction site, work area you want to set up a work area director as the head of the assessment team, the members of this group include: construction technical director, construction captain, the primary responsibility of the relevant departments person, group leaders and so on. The members of the assessment team to examine the place to be on time for centralized, responsible for their own rigorous assessment content to learning, discovery problems, propose solutions and timely advice or treatment methods to reduce the losses caused due to construction problems.   3 held on time and arranged meetings of all relevant cost control      3.1 Construction held a weekly meeting to be based on the construction progress of the work area, the construction of the status of an organized production meetings, meetings with the construction of technical director presided over the work area, the main person in charge of each department, group leaders and other management personnel attend discussions, pre-construction work and the next problem, problems such discussions to better promote the construction of conduct.   3.2 Cost of the construction process convening of the meeting in order to enable work area managers timely understanding of the construction cost control, work area can be arranged relatively fixed time cost analysis of thematic sessions held, cost analysis by the technical director presided over the construction work area, the department is mainly responsible person, group leaders and other management personnel participants discussed the main contents of the meeting is to analyze the situation pre Overexcavation, water usage, construction progress, mechanical equipment, fuel, concrete usage and consumption of various construction materials and so on, through the discussion and dissemination of these data to improve construction management personnel conservation awareness, reducing construction costs.   4 Conclusion Tunnel construction management as a major engineering, construction in the process of construction materials, machinery and equipment, concrete use of cost control, quality of construction of the tunnel is to achieve one of the guarantees and social benefits. Cost control during the construction work of perseverance. Tunnel construction control personnel to implement and follow up the process, gradually improve and perfect the various control systems, enabling highway tunnel construction cost-effective control. 隧道施工施工过程中的施工材料,机械设备,混凝土使用的成本控制,隧道施工质量管理的日常管理作为一项重要工作,是实现保障和社会福利。因此,从施工方法建设的各种要素的科学控制,提高材料利用率,降低成本所造成的损失工作时间的现象。   一个隧道超欠挖控制装置   1.1施工图设计,准确地测量在隧道的阁楼 建设,按照科学设计,完善的施工监督,控制开挖的距离尽量减少的错误超挖错误。这需要用更先进的测量仪器,建筑部门的基础上精确战略加强负责测绘的教育,感的测量的结果,并及时反馈。     1.2测量结果并及时反馈,作出相应的调整爆破后隧道段施工前设计的阁楼部分有一定的差距,工作区设计数据根据预算前超挖距离,大多在实际截面放样程序,这样的设计截面根据施工控制到预定值,去通过下组提供精确的测量数据,施工队长,建筑工人和其他商定,良好的第一手资料,上报给工程区的技术主任,主任,便于及时的决策和管理。   1.3对日常消费的具体和及时的反馈来实现测量数据校对批准,施工技术部门应加强对射流,隧道仰拱隧道衬砌周围的地方,如灌装,严格控制混凝土用于精确量好,安排专人检查每日的具体使用情况,并及时上报区主任或技术主管建设。   2隧道施工进度管理措施   2.1加强在改善方面的工程,建筑面积加上前期建设经验,该项目的实际建设条件下,可以制定科学,严格的施工人员考核奖励系统,每个团队隧道的开挖过程周期时间和画面的进展评估开展建设实施现场考勤时间要求,加入出现衔接链或延迟建设的现象,由当事人和负号,并承认责任。严格的考核循环移位施工现场人员情况。不准早退,接受的现象。所有的时间,隧道的施工进度建设是一个合理的计划,提高广大建筑工人的积极性。     2.2提高隧道施工的工作区的交通管理计划,根据施工方案和总体规划隧道建设情况在每个孔中大放下的好地方,以避免两个车位,并应避免汽车隧道开挖到适当的高度,宽度,保证施工顺利进行车辆转一圈,为了更好地解决错车隧道施工车辆和扭转问题。要退出隧道施工区域进行了大裁员孔每个地方设置醒目的警示,限速标志等,提高运输车辆驾驶员的判断能力。同时,车辆驾驶人的施工人员进行严格的培训和考核,根据去年中先出的原则,去错了车,工程车辆继续向前走,你需要在错车错了车车辆等待错车各地的和主动关闭汽车大灯,让迎面而来的车辆先通过他们。     2.3加强管理的机械和设备用于通风的隧道施工机械,气动机械,搅拌机,罐装车,挖掘机,等隧道施工过程中产生的费用,作为工程机械的成本的主要部分,开展机械成本合理控制,从而降低了成本的隧道施工。空气压缩机,通风设备管理的一项重要工作区管理,那么他们必须启动空气压缩机,通风机械严格的管理和评价,根据隧道施工的要求,严格控制和通风设备,空气压缩机开关,实施个人责任,加强管理和控制的过程中,尤其是风管的安装,使用,不能出现漏水,漏电现象。为了实现成本控制控制搅拌站,混凝土工作区可以使用一周,进行全面,准确的统计数据,在每周一次的研讨会,分析和总结使用电力和陈是不正常的现象进行原因分析,并给出了切实有效的措施,解决后期建设工作,减少不必要的浪费,有效地提高材料利用率,降低施工成本。隧道施工荷载运输设备,包括挖掘机,装载机,卡车等罐头,工作区使用挖掘机和装载机,按照每小时油耗评估,评估的罐装车也可以按照这种方式,在同一时间,工作区域的各种设备和机械,驾驶操作人员未经授权的使用是严格禁止的,违反者进行严肃处理。   处理工作区的设备维修问题,他们可以根据以下步骤,开始保修的驱动程序,通知维修人员来修的基础上,负责检查,维修机械监事后要及时验收,最后的检查修理驱动器设备修复单交机械管理人员。验收合格后,机械使用的司机,维修人员和机械维修主管谁想要注册,才能使用证明,以减少零件和维修费用的浪费的所有配件。   2.4管理日常检查,为了有效地解决存在的问题,施工现场,工作区,你想成立一个工作区主任评估小组的头,这个小组的成员包括:工程技术总监,施工队长负有主要责任的有关部门人员,班组长等。评估小组成员,检查时间集中,负责为自己的严格的考核内容学习,发现问题,提出解决方案和及时的咨询或治疗方法,把损失减少因施工问题造成的地方。   3日举行的时间和安排的会议,所有相关的成本控制   3.1施工每周举行会议,根据工作区的建设进度,建设中的地位有组织的生产与建设的技术总监会议,会议主持工作区,负责各部门的主要负责人,班组长及其他管理人员参加讨论,施工前期工作,接下来的问题,等问题的讨论,以更好地推进建设的行为。   3.2会议的召开,为了使工作区的管理人员及时了解施工成本控制施工过程中的成本,工作区可安排相对固定的时间召开专题会议成本分析,成本分析,技术总监,主持修建工作区,该部门主要负责人,班组长等管理人员参加了会议讨论的主要内容是分析形势预超欠挖,水的使用,施工进度,机械设备,燃料,具体使用和消费的各种建设材料等,通过这些数据,以提高施工管理人员的节约意识,降低工程造价的讨论和传播。   4结论 隧道施工管理作为一个重大工程,在建的过程中,建筑材料,机械设备,混凝土使用的成本控制,隧道施工的质量是实现保障和社会福利之一。成本控制在施工期间的毅力。隧道施工控制人员落实和跟进的过程中,逐步健全和完善的各种控制系统,使公路隧道施工成本的有效控制。

