Final Project需求

发布时间:2019-10-19 17:01
You have two options for your Final Project which are :   Option 1: Pick a new business venture or a product line of an existing business and develop a comprehensive marketing strategy and plan for either (1) Entering a new market or (2)Expanding your market share in an existing market. You can define the market as either a country or a specific market segment   Option 2: Propose a subject of your own choosing that is related to the subject of international marketing.   Your assignment for Monday June 17 is to give me a short write-up describing your proposed term project. Also, you must identify if you are working as part of a team or as an individual; if working as team please identify your team members. Remember no more than 3 students can be on a team. Your project proposals are subject to my approval. The Final Project will be due on Wednesday June 26. I will be looking forward to a 10-12 page report with appropriate citations and a brief (10 minute or so) presentation. The Term Project will count for 60% of your grade.   您可以为您的最终项目有两种选择:   选项1: 选择一个新的商业企业现有业务或产品线 并制定了全面的营销策略和计划,要么(1) 进入一个新的市场,或(2)扩大你的市场份额在现有 市场。您可以定义为一个国家或一个特定的市场 细分市场   选项2: 建议你自己选择的课题,涉及到的主题 国际市场营销。   6月17日(星期一)你的任务就是给我一个简短写了 描述你的建议的长期项目。另外,你必须确定,如果你 正在作为一个团队的一部分,或作为一个单独的,如果工作队 请确定你的团队成员。记住不超过3名学生 可以在一个团队。 我批准你的项目建议书。最终项目 将在6月26日(星期三)。我会期待10-12 页的报告中适当引用和一个简短的(10分钟左右) 演示。学期项目将占60%的成绩。



