BA Hons Accounting and FinanceLevel 2
Accounting in Career Context
Coursework for Resit August 2011Submission Dateline: 12 August 2011 not later than 5pm
Assessment ComponentThis assessment forms 100% of the overall mark for the module
Learning outcomes assessedLearning outcomes covered: 1 - 6Assignment titlePortfolio:•Group presentation-industry•Role playing interview•Evidence of IT skills enhancement•Presentation on News•Personal Development Plan and reflections Submission deadlinePortfolio -
To be handed into DOME Office, 3rd floor
There are several parts to the assessment of this module which together form a portfolio. Clear and concise documentary proof of your results for tasks A to B must be included in the portfolio otherwise you will not be credited with the relevant %. Where you have been required to prepare various documents for seminars, copies of such MUST also be included.
Note you are required to work with different group members for each of the 2 assessed group tasks.
Throughout, where there is a word limit or guidance for a task, then you MUST show the word count on your work. Similarly wherever you have made use of a source of information you MUST use Harvard referencing and show your source.Tasks A & B together have a weighting of 20% of the portfolio.•Task A– taking part in a group presentation on a possible destination industry/sector in which you might work on graduation. ( Note: The presentation must show evidence of research carried out in the job market. The group have to use their IT skills in presenting this information clearly) (12 %)
•Task B – taking part in a role-play interview (8 %)
Tasks C represent 80% of the portfolio
•Task C including Your Personal Development Plan - Produce various other tasks as itemised below, place these in a suitably indexed portfolio to be submitted by the due date, with evidence throughout as appropriate as to word length, referencing and the use of turnitin.
Submit a portfolio, including a contents page, to hold proof of your results for Tasks A-B above and the following tasks:
1. A reflection by the student on why he/she was not successful at the previous attempt, what the consequences of this failure might be, and a consideration of how to avoid this situation in the study and assessment for future modules. Also the student would need to reflect on his or her lack of IT skills in the first assignment (about 250 words for the comment). (max 13.0% ).