代写assignment-research method Methodology部分演示
发布时间:2019-10-19 18:18
3. Methodology 方法论
3.1 Research philosophy, approach and sample 研究哲学,方法和样本
This chapter first of all introduces the epistemology, methodology and research tools related to this research from the angle of research philosophy. Then, according to the research philosophy and the research objectives of this study, it puts forward the research hypothesis and designs the questionnaire. Finally it presents the questionnaire survey method and the basic situation of the samples.
3.2 Overview of research philosophy研究哲学概述
方法论是指人们用来观察事物和处理问题的方法,方法。客观主义和结构主义是两种重要的方法论。一般而言,世界观影响并决定了方法的类型。例如,实证主义的认识论通常对应于客观主义的方法论。因此,本研究的方法论是客观主义。客观主义的方法论认为,知识是客观存在的真理,真理通过自然现象和社会现象表现出来,对这些现象的研究可以理解客观现实(Saunders and Thornhill,2007)。因此,本研究的研究方法是定量研究。
Epistemology is a philosophical branch that explores the nature, origin and scope of knowledge. Epistemological theory is divided into two schools, namely the transcendental and the posterior. Transcendental theory implies knowledge derived only by reasoning (Kumar, 2014). Posterior theory refers to that acquisition and confirmation of knowledge requires experience. Posterior theory is supported in this study (Bonitsis and Brown, 1997). Therefore, this study uses the research philosophy of positivism, Positivism believes that knowledge is on the basis of natural phenomena, their properties and relations (Kumar, 2014). Information sourced from sensory experience and interpreted through reason and logic constitutes the exclusive source of all authoritative knowledge. Empirical research refers to the research carried out by researchers through collecting observation data in person to put forward theoretical hypothesis or test theoretical hypothesis (Creswell, 2003). Based on the definition of positivist study, this study first collected research related to wine consumption and took deductive research strategy, based on previous research results to put forward the research hypothesis of this study, and it was through collecting a large amount of data and analysis to confirm or overturn the research hypothesis.
Methodology refers to ways, methods that people use to observe things and deal with problems. Objectivism and structuralism are two important types of methodology. In general, worldview influences and determines types of methodology. For example, epistemology of positivism usually corresponds to methodology of objectivism. Therefore, the methodology of this study is objectivism. Methodology of objectivism believes that knowledge is the truth existing objectively, truth is manifested through natural phenomena and social phenomena, and the study of these phenomena can understand the objective reality (Saunders and Thornhill, 2007). Therefore, the research method of this study is quantitative research.
Quantitative research refers to scientific research determining the amount of certain aspects of things, it uses quantity to express problems and phenomena, it is research methods and processes which is through a large number of quantitative data analysis to get significance (Creswell, 2003). Considering from the research aim of this study, it is by collecting data of a large number of consumers’ consumption of wine, through the analysis of the data to understand the common characteristics of their consumption behavior, so the adoption of quantitative study is appropriate.
3.3 Questionnaire design
Quantitative research in this study is mainly through questionnaires to collect data and information. It is mainly through LimeSurvey software to design and distribute questionnaires, the questionnaires will be distributed to consumers of wine, the questionnaires will be expected to issue for about 150 copies. Content of the questionnaire is divided into three parts. It first introduces the purpose, significance of the questionnaire and method to fill with the questionnaire, it promises to the respondents that the results of the survey will not revealed personal information for commercial uses. Then the questionnaire investigates the characteristics of the respondents’ consumption behaviour of wine in order to verify or reverse the hypotheses. The third part of the questionnaire is to investigate the background information of the respondents, including their ages, genders, income, and so on. The specific contents of the questionnaire are listed in Appendix 1.
Bonitsis, T. H. and Brown, C. (1997). Quantity and quality in economic research: studies in applied business research. Ashgate Publishing Limited.
Creswell, J. (2003). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. London: International Educational and Professional Publisher.
Kumar, R. (2014). Research methodology: a step-by-step guide for beginners. SAGE Publications Ltd.
Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2007). Research methods for business students (4th, ed.).Essex, Pearson Education Limited.
Appendix 1 Questionnaire
Dear participant!
We are implementing a study on wine consumption. Therefore, we will greatly appreciate if you can finish the following questionnaire which may take you about 10 minutes.
Your participations subject to privacy policies and will be handled anonymously. We sincerely thank you for your collaboration!
Part I In the following questions, five degrees are used to reflect your answers to each question, please tick the option that can reflect your true opinion most.
1. HYPOTHESIS Variables Questions for questionnaire
High level of wine consumption is not related to perceived health risks
High level of wine consumption
Perceived health risks
Correlation coefficient Do you think that the wine consumption has a negative impact of your health?
Answer: scale from 1 to 5 (strongly disagree to strongly agree)
High level of wine consumption is related to perceived health risks
2. HYPOTHESIS Variables Questions for questionnaire
There is no difference between male and female propensity to consume wine.
Propensity to consume wine
Chi-square value
Male/ Female? Answer: check one
How often do you drink wine?
How much wine do you drink each time?
Different genders have has big different on wine consumption
3. HYPOTHESIS Variables Questions for questionnaire
Person’s subjective knowledge of wine has no impact on their consumption habits
Subjective knowledge
Correlation coefficient